Wetland Still Life

It was a cold overcast day at Montezuma Wildlife Refuge. I traveled there to capture images of migratory birds. What captured my attention though was a still life image formed by the trees and grass.

I have found that Nature often presents us with scenes of incredible beauty to those who actively seek them out. I have found that capturing a pleasing image is dependent on being persistent, of spending a few more minutes, of taking a few more steps.

It is easy to lose faith that what we long for will come to pass, that God will indeed answer our prayers. It easy to forget that our faith is something we need to work at each day. It is easy to forget that God’s timing and answers to our prayers may be different then what we are expecting. It easy to forget that God’s answers to our prayers sometimes come through the actions of others or actions that God is urging us to take ourselves.

The history of those who we today recognize as saints are filled with stories of ordinary individuals who struggled with their faith that God used in extraordinary ways.

Today’s photo was taken at Motezuma Wildlife Refuge on April 3, 2024.

I have done more than 1,400 Daily Photo Devotions, most of which can be seen on this blog.

Published by davidsmith703

David is a United Methodist Pastor who serves two small churches in the Adirondacks. His photography allows him to stop and enjoy the wonders of nature and our world.

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