
Today’s scenic image with sailboats safely at anchor reminds me of how the Church has often been referred to as a harbor. A place where we can safety in the acceptance and support of brothers and sisters in Christ dedicated to sharing his love. A place where we find guidance as we study and reflectContinue reading “Harbor”

Springtime Delight

For me one of the delightful images of Spring is the Tulip Beds in Washington Park in Albany. Every year in preparation for the Annual Tulip Festival over 140,000 tulip bulbs are planted. On this day rain drops from the morning rain on the tulip’s petals added to the beauty of the flowers. It isContinue reading “Springtime Delight”

Whale’s Tail

I am amazed at the variety of images found in this world God has entrusted to our care. While many seem very ordinary, I have encountered images that look like a piece of abstract art, others whose beauty is awe inspiring, and those that for me just inspire a sense of peace. Adding further to theContinue reading “Whale’s Tail”

Look Up – Part 02

Often our world presents beauty in surprising places. Yesterday, I discovered this lovely image when I looked up at one of the trees in Congress Park. Sometimes changing one’s point of view can reveal hidden beauty. I have found this is also true in one’s experience of daily life. Even a terrible day can beContinue reading “Look Up – Part 02”

Persistence – Part 03

At the start of Wednesday’s hike at Albany Pine Bush I wasn’t seeing anything really inspiring but as the evening wore on the light started to make thing glow and created some images that for me are very inspiring. It is easy in life to let the struggles of daily living and distressing world events getContinue reading “Persistence – Part 03”

Joyous Day

 This evening spent time in the Albany Pine Bush, and it made for a joyous day.  There is something about getting out among the beauty of Nature, fresh air, and exercise that fills me with joy and energy. Modern medicine tells us that it reduces anxiety, lowers our blood pressure, and is generally good forContinue reading “Joyous Day”

Gloomy Days

 was a rainy overcast day and I debated whether to even bother trying to take photographs. A visit to The Crossings of Colony Park yielded several pictures despite the inclement weather. It is easy to allow the problems of daily life to overwhelm you, but faith and persistence can enable us not only to overcomeContinue reading “Gloomy Days”

The Missing Piece

I continue to be amazed at the works of art created by the formations of clouds. For me they are like an abstract painting that stimulates the imagination and allows for each of us to find their own meaning in them. For me a reminder that while we all hold in common that we areContinue reading “The Missing Piece”

Signs of Spring – Part 02

While the calendar proclaims that Spring is still 24 days away, today’s warm weather and this scene of rocks peeking out from under the snow seemed to proclaim it is on its way. For me the scene also speaks of the hope that Jesus proclaimed that the season of loss that death is characterized withContinue reading “Signs of Spring – Part 02”

Home Again

As we head towards Spring my thoughts turn to the return of Migrating Birds and return trip to Montezuma Wildlife Refuge to watch and photograph the event. One more reminder of the wonders of this world and all of the good gifts The Creator has bestowed upon us.  A reminder also of the natural progressionContinue reading “Home Again”