January Thaw – Part 03

For me this picture has a mysterious feel to it. It makes me wonder what lies hidden in the midst. At the same time for me the midst creates a sense of detachment from the everyday world and a sense of peace. I find that as I explore Nature and contemplate scenes such as this worryContinue reading “January Thaw – Part 03”

Popular Conventions

Today’s image is a demonstration of the principle that normal conventions sometimes need to be broken. Landscape photographers as a general rule compose their pictures in landscape where the width is the largest dimension. I sometimes use portrait mode to emphasize the height of images in the scene. The portrait mode also emphasizes the sizeContinue reading “Popular Conventions”

Niagara Falls Revisited – Part 4

Another view of Horseshoe Falls.  The color of the rocks and the double drop at this portion of the falls make for a fascinating image.  The inclusion of objects in the foreground when taking a picture helps to capture the depth of the scene, can help tell the story behind the image, and I believeContinue reading “Niagara Falls Revisited – Part 4”

Niagara Falls Revisited – Part 1

For today’s photo devotion decided to revisit Niagara Falls, to share some additional images from my visit there on May 25th.  In addition to the iconic Horseshoe Falls there were many other interesting and eye-catching sights.  Often even a single location on a river or stream can yield several great images just by adopting aContinue reading “Niagara Falls Revisited – Part 1”


Sometimes it’s all a matter of perspective, the viewpoint from which we view something. I was only able to capture this image because I looked up. As it is in photography so it often is in life. Differences in opinion on controversial subjects can often be resolved or at the very least made less contentiousContinue reading “Viewpoints”

Light or Darkness

For me this is one of those pictures that every time I look at it, I see something different.  At various times I have seen darkness creeping over the landscape.  Another time I see light overcoming darkness. Still other times it becomes a painting of horses galloping through the sky.  Or could it be aContinue reading “Light or Darkness”

Winter Has Arrived

Winter has arrived here in the North East.  Tonight, a fresh blanket of snow is covering everything.  For some it will be greeted with grumbling at the thought of cleaning off cars and shoveling walks.  Others will greet it joyful anticipation of being able to enjoy Winter sports. In fact, the reality of every seasonContinue reading “Winter Has Arrived”

Trash or Treasure

I suspect that some who view this image will see trash and even a source of pollution.  A statement which I can’t argue with.  Yet I also see an interesting image: a thing of beauty and a source of inspiration for several stories.  I wonder who used it last and for what purpose.  I wonderContinue reading “Trash or Treasure”