Four Mile Creek – Part 7

This image is of another view of the Horseshoe Falls rapids. I found that the trees along the bank provided a natural frame for this picture.  I also found the leaning tree’s color added to the picture. A picture that reminds us of the value that every element can add to a scene. In aContinue reading “Four Mile Creek – Part 7”

Freedom’s Price – Part 2

This image from the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem commemorates the death of 6 million individuals, 1.5 million of which were children, simply because they were Jewish.  A reminder that true peace requires fighting against racism.  May we always remember that we were all created in the image of a loving God.  A God whose ultimateContinue reading “Freedom’s Price – Part 2”

Beneath the Cross

One of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian church proclaimed by the Apostle Paul in the very beginning of the Christian Church was that Christ came to break down all of the barriers we erect by placing individuals into various categories.  In his letter to the Galatians Paul proclaims, “There is no longer Jew orContinue reading “Beneath the Cross”

Trash or Treasure

I suspect that some who view this image will see trash and even a source of pollution.  A statement which I can’t argue with.  Yet I also see an interesting image: a thing of beauty and a source of inspiration for several stories.  I wonder who used it last and for what purpose.  I wonderContinue reading “Trash or Treasure”

The Monarch

The colorful Monarch Butterfly is a vivid example of the wondrous design of this world of ours.  It is a thing of beauty for us to enjoy, a pollinator of wildflowers, and food for birds.  It is a metaphor for Creation that also applies to humanity with each of us possessing various capabilities that areContinue reading “The Monarch”